Wednesday, March 2, 2011

childhood memories ii

 Memories Part II - What i Used to Eat & Buy When Im Just A Kid!
Went Brunei last weekend, taking our breakfast in Miri. Finished my food, thought of buying some snacks, and then i saw all these, didnt take all the pixies coz the "tauke nio" is laughing at me + being too excited when i found all these at her shop. i told her, these are wat i used to buy when im a kid!

New Hotta! Made in Thailand! it doesnt taste nice actually, when im a kid, i love it coz of it's bottle! cute!!

my favourite!! Sour Fruits Powder! open the cap, used the given straw to suck all the powder out! sounds stupid but this is my favourite! XD! i used to fill in water to the empty bottle then use the given straw to drink or just gulp it.. its so cool!

sweets inside the colourful guitar! js open n eat it~ being a kid evything's yummy except healthy food! i eat very little when im small, maybe too much snacks! my mum said just like forcing me to take medicine / drugs when asking me to take proper food!
my bro pump petrol, i syiok syiok blowing bubbles in the car~

pink + green~ cost RM0.30each. the one i used to play is just a plain small bottle with colouful liquid, not as cute as this..
i remembered when the liquid finished, i will owez pour in dishwashing liquid! <3

tis is wat i bought yesterday! from the wet market! i used to put them into the fridge, when its frozen it taste much more better! XD! i have CIGAR since im 2 ok~

nah! my cigar!

narh!! my colored bomb!!!

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