Sunday, April 10, 2011

hair cut!

too tired of my hair n i cut it!! this is not wat i wanted actually.. :( 
anyway.. check out e outcome..

tis is wat i wan.. i drew tis.. glow draw rocks.. :)
tellign the hairstylist i wan tis.. he said ok ok.. but then c! the pic below! *&^$^&*(! 
totally different! i wan a change!! i dun like my hair... really hate..
i have the same thing 5 years ago!!!

back from hair cut.. sum kinda policewoman look! handsome!!
random shot..
without glasses.. my look will b like tis..
close up look..
alright.. there u go, when i clip my fringe, so who says gorillaz cant act cute?!
muahahha! i admit tis pic very geli... muahahah..
taking easy.. just for gags!!